
Welcome to Hi-Lites, Atelier Emmanuel’s blog! Every month, learn about the latest news, events and promotions and discover our services and beauty experts. Throughout, we'll also be sprinkling tidbits about care, beauty, and trends in the beauty industry. Scroll through, and if there is anything you would like us to add, let us know!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Our gift pick for the Holiday season

Only 2 weeks left for you to complete your shopping before Xmas! We’ve compiled a small list of ideas for you to offer if you are lacking inspiration, and the reason why they make a good gift.
Odacite Skin Care Detox Kits - include an exfoliant, cleanser, toning lotion, day moisturizer and a night serum.
They are packaged in an adorable case with a headband and facial sponges. They are a complete system to give skin a chance to DETOX, REPAIR and RENEW from the cold outdoors and the forced heat indoors.
Moroccan Oil Original Treatment
One of our best sellers! The formula of Argan oil seals in shine, producing silky perfection. It is a restorative against the many chemicals found in shampoos, color procedures, perms and in the environment that lead to over-processed hair. The scent is amazing and it will last for several months.
90 minutes Hot Stone Massage
Most people have received massages at some point. But not many people have received this specialty style, making it a more unique gift.
Bonus: lucky you, we are offering $30 off a hot stone massage this month.
Atelier Emmanuel’s gift certificates
They are available at the front desk and can be picked-up, mailed, even emailed to you or the ones you want to please. We accept credit card transactions over the phone - make sure you fax us an authorization with the card details, the amount of the transaction, and your signature.
Feel better? Now you can breathe easy. You’ve got until 4p Christmas Eve (see our Agenda) to get your gift giving done!

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