
Welcome to Hi-Lites, Atelier Emmanuel’s blog! Every month, learn about the latest news, events and promotions and discover our services and beauty experts. Throughout, we'll also be sprinkling tidbits about care, beauty, and trends in the beauty industry. Scroll through, and if there is anything you would like us to add, let us know!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Paris est une fête

On Saturday, September 17, Atelier Emmanuel was involved in a runway event showcasing Azadeh Couture Fall Collection. The event was part of a gala organized by the French American Cultural Society called Paris est une fête. Atelier Emmanuel was honored to have been chosen to implement its French touch, styling sleek French twists and applying glamorous make up.

We have a few 'behind the scenes' photos below.

Here are some photos from the event. You'll have to forgive their quality: since we were not official photographers, we didn't have the best vantage point.

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